Gesamt Veranstatlung SDG

Working together for a sustainable future

In the project UniNEtZ, scientists and artists from 23 partner institutions have joined together to present options on how the UN Sustainable Development Goals may be implemented.


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Alle reden von Transformation, jeder erkennt ihre Notwendigkeit – aber verstehen alle das Gleiche darunter?

Wissenschaftler:innen und Künstler:innen des Projekts UniNEtZ haben nach einem gemeinsamen Zielverständnis der viel diskutierten Transformation gesucht. Aus dieser Diskussion ist die UniNEtZ-Zukunftsvision entstanden.

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UniNEtZ Options Report:

150 options for sustainable development in Austria from the perspective of UniNEtZ


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UniNEtZ- Policy Statement

In the second project phase, the main focus of UniNEtZ is on making contributions to the transformation of society toward sustainability. In order for universities to credibly live up to this claim of being pathfinders of societal transformation, they must first undergo a transformation process themselves.



UniNEtZ Final Event

  • Location: Salzburg
  • Date: 30.09. – 01.10.2024

We would like to finish UniNEtZ II with an interesting event and provide an outlook for the future. We therefore cordially invite you all to the 2-day event "Future Dialogue - Responsibility and Transformation". The program includes interesting keynote(s), various discussion formats, artistic interventions and much more. We ask for early registration here in order to be able to plan the event well. Further information will follow shortly!


Paper: Meat politics. Analysing actors, strategies and power relations governing the meat regime in Austria Icon SDG2 iz

Charlotte Voigt, Laura Hundscheid, Christina Plank und Melanie Pichler

Publication 2024 SDG 2

Meat consumption is increasingly discussed as a key lever for reducing environmental and human health impacts within food systems. As in many high-income countries, meat consumption in Austria exceeds dietary and planetary-health recommendations. If, and how, to address overconsumption has become a site of political conflict. Calls for political measures toward sustainable dietary transitions make it important to consider the political economy of meat consumption and production in national contexts. It is thus important to understand the surrounding structures, institutions, and power relations.


Symposium “Democracy & Compromise”

  • Location: Darmstadt, Deutschland
  • Date: 19. – 21.09.2024

Opinions, challenges and conflicts come together in places where people meet. It is not only “in politics” that things become political, but also in private, professional and leisure spaces. In order to be able to resolve these conflicts and compromises in the midst of increasing dynamics and sharper politicization and to strengthen common coexistence, we will deal with compromises as a little-researched conflict resolution strategy. More information and registration can be found here.

»Those who know about grievances and remain silent, those who know about the need for action and do not act, make themselves jointly responsible for unsustainable development.«

UniNEtZ - Policy Statement


Students in UniNEtZ

You are interested in sustainability and would like to work in an academic context for the socio-ecological transformation of Austria and its universities? Then join UniNEtZ!



forum n

The association forum n, which operates throughout Austria, networks students and student initiatives that are committed to sustainability at their universities. It has been involved in UniNEtZ and represents the student perspective. Since 2022, the association has also taken over the sponsorship of the priority area IV. More


Parliamentary Cooperation

In order to advance the transformation of our society, the transdisciplinary dialogue with political actors is central. The cooperation on the 2030 Agenda with the Austrian Parliament, which started in September 2022, offers an effective platform to further advance this dialogue.

These SDGs have already been in parliament: SDG 14SDG 9SDG 16 SDG 5 SDG 11 SDG 13 - SDG 6