

Symposium on climate protection participation

  • Location: Steiermarkhof Graz
  • Date: 07.10.2024

Climate protection succeeds when as many people as possible get involved.The 2nd "Ich tu's" symposium will therefore address important issues relating to greater public participation in climate protection in the form of specialist presentations and workshops. Commitment and the desire for co-determination can be encouraged. However, it is sometimes difficult to get people to participate in climate protection measures. We will therefore be asking questions such as: How do participation processes succeed? What framework conditions are necessary? Which methods are helpful? How can resistance be avoided and the ability to act be strengthened? The invitation can be found here. The registration form can be found here.


SDGVisionPath - Exploring and shaping paths to a sustainable future

  • Location: BOKU, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus, Seminar room ILWA-EG2
  • Date: 06.06.2024, 13:30 – 17:30
The ACRP project SDGVisionPath, which was created in the course of UniNEtZ I cooperations, cordially invites all interested parties to the last stakeholder workshop to discuss, put together and recommend a package of measures for the achievement of SDG 1 & 10, SDG 8 and SDG 13 and beyond. More information can be found here. Please register at by May 28.

Caring for change - connections between gender & climate

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 23.04.2024, 17:30 – 19:00

Climate change is considered the challenge of our time. Solutions are often characterized by a scientific-technical approach, but it is about more than that: global and local social inequalities mean that people are affected differently by the consequences of climate change. The interactive lecture shows how gender and climate are connected. Because without gender equality, there can be no climate-friendly society and vice versa. You can find more information here.


BNE Online Academy on Climate Protection and Circular Economy

  • Location: Online
  • Date: 17.11.2023

Under the motto "Re:create our future - Education for a climate-friendly society", the BNE Online Academy 2023 will provide creative impulses on how the future can be rethought and shaped through education. Due to limited places, registration is requested at


Health, Tourism and Climate

  • Location: Bad Gleichenberg
  • Date: 10. – 13.10.2023

The conference brings together some of the TOP researchers:in the field of climate change and tourism, such as Daniel Scott, Susanne Becken and Paul Peeters, but also in the field of climate, health and tourism. More information may be found here.


CCCA writing workshop

  • Location: Innsbruck
  • Date: 26. – 27.09.2023

The Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) invites to the CCCA writing workshop for climate researchers! The workshop "From Papers to the Press" on dealing with journalists and the media will take place with the editorial office of DOSSIER. 20 free places will be offered! Please register until August 20 to