

25. Austrian Climate Day

  • Location: University of Innsbruck
  • Date: 23. – 25.04.2025

The Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA) and the University of Innsbruck invite you to the 25th Austrian Climate Day! This scientific conference will take place in Innsbruck from April 23 to 25, 2025 under the motto “Living and Economic Space Alps”. The University of Innsbruck will once again host the most important networking event of the Austrian climate research community. You can find more information here.


UniNEtZ Carousel

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 18.10.2024, 09:00 – 12:00

The UniNEtZ Carousel is a format that invites all UniNEtZ participants to exchange ideas on various topics. Anyone can offer slots on desired topics. Please send the registration for a slot to



  • Location: AWK Düsseldorf
  • Date: 11.10.2024

The "Great Transformation" - a project of the century between reality and utopia. All information about the event can be found here. Registration is possible here.


2nd Transatlantic Symposium on Sustainable Development in Higher Education

  • Location: Hasselt, Belgium
  • Date: 10. – 11.10.2024

The Symposium will mobilise the scientific communities in North America and in Europe working on matters related to sustainable development in higher education and foster a greater dialogue among them. More information may be found here. Registration is requested


UniNEtZ Final Event

  • Location: Salzburg
  • Date: 30.09. – 01.10.2024

We would like to finish UniNEtZ II with an interesting event and provide an outlook for the future. We therefore cordially invite you all to the 2-day event "Future Dialogue - Responsibility and Transformation". The program includes interesting keynote(s), various discussion formats, artistic interventions and much more. We ask for early registration here in order to be able to plan the event well. Further information may be found here.


k3 congress on climate communication

  • Location: Graz
  • Date: 25. – 26.09.2024

The next k3 Congress for Climate Communication will take place in Graz from September 25-26, 2024. More information may be found here.


Summit of the Future: Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow

  • Date: 22. – 23.09.2024

The Summit is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future. It will take a look at the "how" – how do we cooperate better to deliver on the above aspiration and goals? How do we better meet the needs of the present while also preparing for the challenges of the future? More informations may be found here.


Symposium “Democracy & Compromise”

  • Location: Darmstadt, Deutschland
  • Date: 19. – 21.09.2024

Opinions, challenges and conflicts come together in places where people meet. It is not only “in politics” that things become political, but also in private, professional and leisure spaces. In order to be able to resolve these conflicts and compromises in the midst of increasing dynamics and sharper politicization and to strengthen common coexistence, we will deal with compromises as a little-researched conflict resolution strategy. More information and registration can be found here.


UniNEtZ Carousel

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 13.09.2024, 09:00 – 12:00

The UniNEtZ Carousel is a format that invites all UniNEtZ participants to exchange ideas on various topics. Anyone can offer slots on desired topics. Please send the registration for a slot to


World Symposium on Climate Literacy

  • Location: Manchester, UK
  • Date: 09. – 11.09.2024

Climate change literacy is crucial as it may empower individuals and communities with the knowledge to understand the impacts of climate change, the underlying science, and the strategies needed for mitigation and adaptation. The Symposium aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners and educators engaged with climate literacy to exchange their knowledge and perspectives. It also aims to offer a valuable platform to enable climate literacy providers and users from the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Africa and the Middle East regions to depeen their knowledge on the topic and enhance networks. The theme of the Symposium, "Combining the Theory and Practice of Climate Change Literacy” reflects the intention to offer participants an opportunity to present what they are doing, both in research and reflections on climate literacy principles, and their implementation in practice. More informations may be found here.



  • Location: Reichenau an der Rax, Niederösterreich
  • Date: 19. – 21.08.2024

Under the title “Change:Ability. Transformative Education for Sustainable Development", we are putting the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) at the center of the workshops and lectures and looking at how we can act confidently for a sustainable future even in the face of many crises. You can find more information here. Registration is requested.


#TreffpunktEU - Klima-, Umweltschutz & Renaturierung - wie geht es in der EU weiter?

  • Location: Theatercafé, Innsbruck
  • Date: 15.07.2024, 19:00

We will be discussing with experts from various fields in the Theatercafé from 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to join in the discussion, contribute ideas or simply listen. YETi ("Youth Empowerment Tirol") is a non-partisan Erasmus+ project that aims to make the European Union tangible and accessible to young Tyroleans. At #TreffpunktEU, we discuss political topics, gain new knowledge and collect ideas and wishes for the future of Europe.


Vienna Climate Biennale

  • Date: 05.04. – 14.07.2024

Interdisciplinary, low-threshold and interactive: this is how the first Vienna Climate Biennale presents itself. The innovative climate art festival starts on April 5 and ends on July 14. For 100 days, the focus will be on the potential of art, design, architecture and science with regard to a sustainable future worth living and the social impact of climate change. The biennial, initiated by the City of Vienna's Climate, Culture and Economy departments, is organized by KunstHausWien. Thanks to more than 60 cooperation partners, it covers the entire city. Further information may be found here. As part of the Biennale, a pop-up exhibition designed by students will take place from May 9-11, which is the result of the CCCA project "Climate, art and science - active together!".


11th European Conference on Positive Psychology in Innsbruck

  • Location: Innsbruck
  • Date: 10. – 13.06.2024

Join us for the 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology and share your contributions to the field of positive psychology. The conference aims to underscore the interconnectedness of human existence and explore the application of the science of well-being for collective flourishing. More informationen may be found here.


Change Maker Retreat

  • Date: 10. – 14.07.2024

Are you passionately committed to a better future? Are you passionate about what you do and trying to make a positive contribution to the world? We know from our own experience that this can sometimes become too much and you can easily overwork yourself. So that you don't run out of breath so quickly, the Change Maker Retreat will take place from July 10-14, 2024! This is your opportunity to recharge your batteries, refocus and recharge your batteries for your projects in a like-minded community. More information & Early Bird tickets here.


SDGs in urban space

  • Location: Nordbahnsaal HausWirtschaft, 1020 Vienna and Zoom
  • Date: 08.07.2024, 18:00

Local perspectives for accelerated implementation and post-2030 sustainability agenda - The panel discussion takes the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in New York and the publication of Austria's 2nd Voluntary National Implementation Report as an opportunity to discuss, among other things, the speed and scope of changes in urban areas in recent years and the role of cities and trans-local alliances for the sustainability agenda up to 2030 and beyond. More information may be found here.


5th International Conference on Recycling and Reuse

  • Location: Istanbul, Turkey
  • Date: 05. – 06.07.2024

More information may be found here.


Perspectives of a scientific work program for social and ecological restructuring

  • Location: Institut für Politikwissenschaft (Universitätsstraße 7/2, 1010 Wien)
  • Date: 02.07.2024, 09:30 – 16:15

The Vienna Chamber of Labour and the Institute for Political Science at the University of Vienna are organizing a workshop to sound out the requirements of a scientific work programme for social and ecological restructuring. The focus will be on wage earners in all their life situations and interests. Please register by May 23rd at the latest by sending an email to More information may be found here.


2nd Global Transdisciplinarity Conference

  • Location: UWK Krems
  • Date: 26.06. – 30.06.2024

As part of the 2nd Global Transdisciplinarity Conference, events will also be held at the UWK Krems. The following topics will be discussed: Urban Living Labs, Legal Basis for the Establishment of Nature-human Protection Zones, Floods: their drivers and complex consequences and The Role of Institutions of Research & Education in a (Poly-)Crisis World. You can find more information here.


Changing the climate and care work crisis together

  • Location: Café Phönix, Münzgrabenstrasse 103, 8010, Graz
  • Date: 12.06.2024, 10:00 – 14:00

Women suffer more than men from the consequences of the climate crisis. At the same time, there are gender-related differences both in the climate footprint and in the preferred solutions. This has been scientifically proven many times over. Gender equality as a recovery program for our world shaken by the climate crisis is a recommendation derived from this by various think tanks. Without gender justice, there can be no climate justice. In a workshop format, the basics of the connections between climate and gender will be presented and/or refreshed. Contribution towards expenses: €15.00. Please register by Monday, May 27.


Workshop of the CCCA WG Social-Ecological Transformation

  • Location: BOKU University
  • Date: 10.06.2024, 16:00 – 18:00

The workshop will focus on the topic of "Teaching the competencies of transformative research - cross-university exchange" and will address the following questions: Which transformative research competencies, skills, expertise, attitudes and methods do we teach in our courses/modules/study programs? How do we design the teaching/learning process? What resources do we draw on - what resources can we build up together?


klimaaktiv Conferenz

  • Location: Orangery Schönbrunn & Apothekertrakt, 1130 Vienna, entrance: Schlossstraße
  • Date: 10.06.2024, 10:00 – 18:00

The klimaaktiv Annual Conference 2024 is also the 20th anniversary of Austria's largest climate protection initiative. Under the headline "Right in the middle of the energy and mobility transition", we will look back together on what has been achieved and venture a look into the future. Because one thing is certain: the challenges and the need for an initiative like klimaaktiv have not diminished over the years - on the contrary!


SDG-Hub Austria Info-Webinar

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 03.06.2024, 09:00 – 11:00

How can the public debate on climate change and sustainability issues in Austria be analyzed with the SDGHUB? How can the media impact of your own climate communication be increased? Which sources and services can be added to further improve the usability of the tool? These and other questions will be addressed at the info webinar. Take your chance and join the discussion in the research project "AI-Driven Semantic Search and Visualization to Support the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030 (SDGHUB)". Please register by May 27.


Intergenerational dialog - changing labor market

  • Location: Innsbruck, ISD-Stadtteiltreff Wilten
  • Date: 27.05.2024, 18:30

The labor market is changing not only as a result of technological progress, but also due to the multifaceted interaction between generations. Although the high demand for labor has seemingly brought the “human factor” back into focus, age discrimination is still an everyday experience. Thinking in terms of “generations” does not help: baby boomers are seen as narrow-minded and far removed from technology, while younger generations are stereotyped as disinterested and primarily leisure-oriented. The talk will focus on the causes and consequences of this discrimination, with the aim of discussing constructive approaches for an inclusive working environment. In this intergenerational dialog, we will discuss strategies for promoting intergenerational coexistence and the opportunities that arise from this. More information may be found here.


Long Night of Research

  • Date: 24.05.2024, 17:00 – 23:00

Join in, be amazed, discover! The Long Night of Research on May 24 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. once again invites you to be inspired by science and research. Our partner universities, research institutions and companies will be presenting innovative research activities and pioneering technologies in an understandable way for one evening. Admission is free.


Thinking-Hands: What can art do?

  • Location: Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna
  • Date: 22.05.2024, 17:00 – 20:00

TheLectures for Future @ mdw in the summer semester 2024 have already started! They are open to students, staff and interested persons and deal with the connection between art, science and the topic of sustainable development. Katrin Funcke (illustrator), Stephanie Guse (artist and art philosopher) and Kristina Heldmann (children's book illustrator and author) are organizing the Thinking-Hands-Workshop, which will take place as part of the KlangBildKlang festival and will explore the potential of art and how artistic design processes and practices can contribute to social change.


UniNEtZ Carousel

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 17.05.2024, 09:00 – 12:00

The UniNEtZ Carousel is a format that invites all UniNEtZ participants to exchange ideas on various topics. Anyone can offer slots on desired topics. Please send the registration for a slot to


UniNEtZ Future dialog

  • Location: Natural History Museum, Vienna
  • Date: 06.05.2024, 16:00 – 21:00

UniNEtZ cordially invites you to the UniNEtZ Future Dialogue. Transdisciplinary dialog with decision-makers is key to advancing the sustainable transformation in Austria. Building on the cooperation with the Austrian Parliament, the UniNEtZ Dialogue on the Future is intended to provide impetus on how the implementation of the UN SDGs can succeed in Austria according to the current state of research. With the presentation of our UniNEtZ Components for the future, we are creating a concrete offer to support decision-making processes in the sense of a socio-ecological transformation. You are welcome to send your expression of interest in participating in the event in advance to Admission to the museum is only possible with registration!


GAIA Annual Conference: Impactful organizations

  • Location: Eberswalde, Germany
  • Date: 26. – 27.04.2024

In the field of sustainability sciences, a growing number of universities and non-university research institutions that see themselves as pioneers, companions and initiators of a sustainability transformation are visible and reflect on their own actions accordingly. A central challenge seems to be finding and defining their own role in the field of tension between scientific excellence and social relevance. The focus here is on the questions of what impact such institutions want to and can achieve, how this can be measured and how incentive systems can be developed to promote an orientation towards social effectiveness. These questions will be explored together at the annual conference. You can find more information here.


The climate crisis & its solutions

  • Location: Stockwerk Jazz (Jakominiplatz 18, 8010 Graz)
  • Date: 24.04.2024, 18:30

We invite you to our information evening at Stockwerk Jazz. Together we want to discuss the current challenges of the climate crisis and talk about solutions. Let's get active together and make a contribution to climate protection! For climate protection as a fundamental right in the Austrian constitution. Registration is requested. Further information can be found here.


EU refugee policy: balancing act between ignorance and irresponsibility?

  • Location: Haus der Begegnung, Rennweg 12, 6020 Innsbruck
  • Date: 24.04.2024, 19:00 – 20:30

Jakob Sauseng will give an overview of European refugee policy and explain the major challenges facing international decision-makers. More information may be found here.


Darmstadt Days of Transformation 2024

  • Location: Darmstadt, Germany
  • Date: 15. – 19.04.2024

Over the course of five days, 15 events - including workshops, lectures and dialog forums - will take place on the Schader Campus. Together with experts from business, associations, trade unions, science, politics, civil society and local authorities, intensive work will be carried out on sustainable ideas, for example in the areas of education, construction, mobility, design, the circular economy, artificial intelligence, renewable energies and funding for sustainability. Further information may be found here.


UniNEtZ Carousel

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 12.04.2024, 09:00 – 12:00

The UniNEtZ Carousel is a format that invites all UniNEtZ participants to exchange ideas on various topics. Anyone can offer slots on desired topics. Please send the registration for a slot to


24. Austrian Climate Day

  • Location: TU Wien
  • Date: 02. – 04.04.2024

The Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA), together with the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), is pleased to invite you to the 24th Austrian Climate Day! It will take place from April 02 to 04, 2024 at the premises of the Vienna University of Technology. More informationen may be found here.


Pathway Forum: Resource-hungry societies and a future in flux: Insights from social metabolism

  • Location: Online
  • Date: 15.03.2024, 14:00 – 16:00

This webinar explores how the social metabolic analysis framework provides powerful insights into the interrelations between society, environment, and economy. The session will cover the key concepts of social metabolism, and how it can be applied to sustainability issues. As a framework seeking to bridge the social and natural sciences, we will also discuss how a variety of disciplinary approaches can contribute to socio-metabolic research. More informations may be found here.


UniNEtZ Carousel

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 08.03.2024, 09:00 – 12:00

The UniNEtZ Carousel is a format that invites all UniNEtZ participants to exchange ideas on various topics. Anyone can offer slots on desired topics. Please send the registration for a slot to


Earth4All in Austria: Turnaround inequality

  • Location: Unipark Nonntal Salzburg (Hörsaal Agnes Muthspiel)
  • Date: 05.03.2024, ab 16:00

The event on the "Inequality Turnaround" will take place at the University of Salzburg in cooperation with the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, the Mozarteum University and UniNEtZ. Sharing Dividends", the new Club of Rome report describes the problems of economic inequality, the levers that would lead to a Giant Leap towards more equality, as well as hurdles and obstacles along the way. A high-level keynote from the internationaal Club of Rome will be followed by a discussion with experts, stakeholders and practitioners on this topic. Registration and more information on the program may be found here.


the flourishing society

  • Location: Café Merkur, Wien
  • Date: 28.02.2024, 19:00

At the 4th round table, everything revolves around storytelling under the motto "Zukunftsgschichtldruckerei".

We are looking for stories that inspire the courage to imagine a future worth living; that make it clear that a good life can be found in the here and now; that tell of community and our connection in the ecosystem and that show that people are motivated to contribute to the well-being of others. You can find more information here.


Transformationsstreit: Tourismus in Tirol

  • Location: Die Bäckerei — Kulturbackstube, Innsbruck
  • Date: 28.02.2024, 19:00

As the name suggests, the Transformation Controversy is about social change and conflict. We bring the important questions of transformation to the dance floor and make the discrepancies dance.
Tourism is a leading industry in Tyrol. Tourism is also a form of identification, pride in the beautiful landscape, the tin avalanche, the Piefke saga and the basis of life for many valleys. In times of climate change and sustainability, tourism must change. But how? In which direction? What do we want to expand and what do we want to reduce? Karin Seiler, Managing Director of Tirol Werbung, and Christian Baumgartner, Professor of Sustainable Tourism at the University of Applied Sciences Graubünden, discuss these questions. More informations may be found here.


treffpunkt.BILDUNG - Cities & innovative educational projects

  • Location: Lichtenfelsgasse 2, 1010 Vienna
  • Date: 19.02.2024, 18:00 – 20:00

The 3rd treffpunkt.BILDUNG is about the strengths of the city in terms of cooperation with educational initiatives. What can cities do to sustainably promote innovative education projects? Urban development and education are closely linked - this interface will be examined together with experts from the education community.


UniNEtZ Carousel

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 16.02.2024, 09:00 – 12:00

The UniNEtZ Carousel is a format that invites all UniNEtZ participants to exchange ideas on various topics. Anyone can offer slots on desired topics. Please send the registration for a slot to


18th Energy Future Symposium

  • Location: TU Graz
  • Date: 14. – 16.02.2024

The symposium is organized by the Institute for Electricity Economics and Energy Innovation at TU Graz together with the co-organizers Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering, Oesterreichs Energie and the Austrian National Committee of the World Energy Council. Over 230 expert speakers and around 700 participants from science, industry and administration will discuss the latest findings and solutions to a wide range of topics. More Information may be found here.


Thinking out loud - science at work

  • Location: Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3, 6020 Innsbruck
  • Date: 01.02.2024, 19:00 Uhr

What role do social media play in connecting science and the public? How does this exchange influence the quality and innovative power of scientific work? And what are the advantages and challenges of sharing scientific ideas on digital platforms? Sigrid Neuhauser in conversation with Uwe Stege. More information may be found here.


Exhibition & Symposium: This Is Not a Glacier. Thickening Description for Thinning Ice

  • Location: Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Wien
  • Date: 26.01.2024, 15:00 – 18:00

We welcome you to our symposium and exhibition to sit together, share observations, ask questions, and reevaluate preconceptions about the glacier’s being and our own complicity in the destruction of this landscape. More information may be found here.


UniNEtZ Carousel

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 12.01.2024, 09:00 – 12:00

The UniNEtZ Carousel is a format that invites all UniNEtZ participants to exchange ideas on various topics. Anyone can offer slots on desired topics. Please send the registration for a slot to


UniNEtZ Carousel

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 15.12.2023, 09:00 – 12:00

The UniNEtZ Carousel is a format that invites all UniNEtZ participants to exchange ideas on various topics. Anyone can offer slots on desired topics. Please send the registration for a slot to


Lectures4Future @mdw

  • Location: mdwCampus, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien and via Zoom
  • Date: 13.12.2023, 17:00 – 20:00

How did we get into the climate and environmental crisis and will we get out of it? As part of the Lectures for Future@mdw lecture series, Verena Winiwarter will present her thoughts on a long-term perspective on the environmental and climate crisis. The lecture and the discussion are also dedicated to possibilities for artistic engagement with the subject area. More information can be found at here.


ExLibris: Future-oriented sustainable urban development

  • Location: Darmstadt
  • Date: 06.12.2023, 18:30 – 20:30

Inner-city neighborhoods have great potential with regard to the sustainability model of a "city of short distances". The transdisciplinary team of authors of the book "Zukunftsorientierte nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung: eine transdisziplinäre Untersuchung am Beispiel eines innerstädtischen Quartiers" has dedicated itself to this topic from a scientific and practical perspective and is in part a guest in the ExLibris event series. Further information and registration can be found here.


The European Green Deal and universities

  • Location: Online
  • Date: 04.12.2023, 14:00 – 15:30

The European University Association (EUA) is pleased to invite you to an upcoming webinar on ‘The European Green Deal and universities: A roadmap for the sector’. During the event, EUA will present its recent report ‘A Green Deal roadmap for universities’. Then, together with the European Commission and the Bruegel think tank, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities for universities to contribute to the Green Deal and how the roadmap can support their contribution. More Information and the registration may be found here.


Panel Discussion "What is Knowledge?"

  • Location: Plenary Hall of the City of Innsbruck, Maria-Theresien-Straße 18
  • Date: 30.11.2023; 19:00

From November 27, to December 02, 2023, the University of Innsbruck will host its first Sustainability Week. UniNEtZ contributors will organize a panel discussion on power, interpretive authority and diversity of perspectives in this context. Registration is not necessary. The entire program may be found here.


UniNEtZ beWEGt - Universities "We build bridges - between university and city

  • Location: GeiWi Vorplatz, Campus Innrain
  • Date: 29.11.2023, 14:00 – 16:00

From November 27, to December 02, 2023, the University of Innsbruck will host its first Sustainability Week. Within this framework, contributors of UniNEtZ will organize a workshop/dialogue walk about the future of universities. The goal of UniNEtZ beWEGt is to discuss, develop and carry forward concrete proposals for the transformation of universities and to take the first steps towards their implementation and to strengthen cross-university cooperation. You can find the entire program here.


Agenda 2030 conference for cities and municipalities | A thought experiment

  • Location: Bregenz
  • Date: 23. – 24.11.2023

In terms of SDG implementation we got HALF TIME! Just like in soccer, the 1st half of the game is analyzed during the break and tactics for the 2nd half are developed from it. What have we learned along the way so far? What are successful strategies in implementation? What levers need to be flipped for transformation to succeed at multiple levels? More information and registration may be found here.


3. SDG-Hub Stakeholder-Workshop

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 29.09.2023, 11:00 – 12:30

In the third stakeholder workshop, the project team presents the LITE version of the visual analytics dashboard and discusses needs and open questions with the participants. The SDGHUB Dashboard is available for numerous target groups, such as companies, media, start-ups, government, NGOs or researchers. Contribute your perspective so that the SDGHUB dashboard can be optimized to answer questions questions from your field of work can be optimized! Please register via the registration link by 27.09.


Summer School: Transdisciplinarity methods and tools for dealing with sustainability and land use conflicts

  • Location: Berlin
  • Date: 17. – 22.09.2023

The aim of the summer school is to gain insight into the basics and challenges of transdisciplinary research and practice.
More information can be found here.


Summer Academy: The Great Transformation

  • Location: Linz
  • Date: 13. – 19.08.2023

In line with the title THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION, the call is addressed to young scholars and artists versed in cultural studies who have a central interest in cultural studies and the guiding theme (the political of climate change, queer-gender media perspectives, the transformation of human-animal worlds, and the influence of media on these controversies). The IFK_Summer Academy 2023 will elaborate a tour d'horizon of this social transformation. The application deadline is March 26, 2023.
Detailed information and application forms can be found here.


Summer camp culturally aware: spaces create access

  • Location: Darmstadt
  • Date: 03. – 06.08.2023

An interdisciplinary and intercultural summer camp attracts young people from science or the beginnings of professional life to Darmstadt.
Click here for the flyer of the summer camp.


Panel discussion: Sovereign money, CBDC and MMT

  • Lecturer: Christian Felber, Brett Scott, Bernd Villhauer
  • Location: TUtheSkay, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna

Panelists Christian Felber (writer, university lecturer, initiator of the Economy for the Common Good and the Cooperative for the Common Good, Austria), Brett Scott (author, journalist, economic anthropologist and former financial broker) and Bernd Villhauer (Managing Director of the Global Ethic Institute at the University of Tübingen) will discuss the topic of “Sovereign money, CBDC and MMT: Uniting fiscal and monetary policy to combat climate change." The event will be held at TUtheSky, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna. There will also be a live-stream available – no registration required! You can watch the stream via: TU lecture tube


Summer University: Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems

  • Location: Vienna
  • Date: 17.07. – 04.08.2023

The application for the Summer University "Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS, 5 ECTS)" is now open! The AEMS Summer University is open to motivated applicants from all fields of study and focuses on providing alternatives to the economic status quo. International participants will explore the limits to growth and the instabilities of the financial system and learn why drastic systemic change is necessary to stabilize the world's climate at 1.5°C. Through an interdisciplinary and holistic program, they will learn about different approaches to solving this problem.
Apply here!


Young Researcher Forum On Sustainable Biomass And Climate Change

  • Location: Venedig
  • Date: 03. – 04.07.2023

From July 3 to July 4, 2023 the Young Researcher Forum on Sustainable Biomass and Climate Change, SusBiC, will gather young researchers of all the different disciplines involved in the topic. It aims at presenting the current understanding and the current knowledge in a multidisciplinary context such as to create a common knowledge base across disciplines for enabling more interconnected approaches to solve the pressing problem.


Head out of the sand! klimaaktiv Conference 2023

  • Location: Palais Auersperg, Auerspergstraße 1, 1080 Wien
  • Date: 26.06.2023, 10:00 – 18:00

Not to be discouraged despite current challenges, but to discover new perspectives and actively work on shaping our future. The keynote address by Volker Quaschning, professor of regenerative energy systems and science communicator, shows that there are already viable solutions to help us do this.


Social responsibility in the climate crisis

  • Location: BOKU Wien
  • Date: 21.06.2023, 14:00 – 18:00

In the context of this scientific BOKU conference, the currently burning question of how far the social responsibility of science extends in times of climate crisis will be critically examined. Three lectures will highlight the necessity, meaningfulness and legal framework of various scientific activities as a response to the climate crisis. A prominent panel discussion will conclude the event.
More information can be found here.


2. SDG HUB Stakeholder-Workshop

  • Location: online
  • Date: 15.06.2023, 14:50 – 15:50

In the second stakeholder workshop, the project team will present the LITE version of the Visual Analytics Dashboard and discuss needs and open questions with the participants. The SDG HUB Dashboard is relevant for numerous target groups, such as companies, media, start-ups, administration, NGOs or researchers.
More information about the program and registration can be found here.


Darmstadt Days of Transformation 2023

  • Location: Schader-Campus | Goethestr. 2 | 64285 Darmstadt
  • Date: 12. – 16.06.2023

At the Dialogue on Social-Ecological Transformation, the focus this year is on the change processes of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). More information can be found here.


Symposium: Sustainability in Science (SISI)

  • Location: Berlin
  • Date: 06. – 07.06.2023

The sixth SISI Symposium "Towards a Sustainable Higher Education and Science System" will take place on 06 and 07 June 2023 in Berlin in cooperation with the German Rectors' Conference (HRK).
Current information can be found here.


EU Green Week

  • Location: Online
  • Date: 05., 06. & 11.06.2023

EU Green Week is an annual event celebrating environmental policy. This year, the focus of the Partner Events on skills for sustainable, resilient and socially just communities. Oikos Graz is offering three virtual partner events:
Info and registration workshop on 05.06. here.
Info and registration talk on 06.06. here.
Info and registration workshop on 11.06. here.


Maloca mundial: Learning climate justice from each other

  • Location: Online
  • Date: 01.06.2023, 15:00 – 17:00

In the context of the Maloca Mundial, the traditional agricultural system in the rainforest at the Rio Negro and "non-human-zones", fallow land in Weitra, Wallendorf, Breitenbrunn and Capodimonte / Naples will be discussed. As discussants, the ecologist João Gabriel Raphaelli from the ISA and the artist Edgar Honetschläger from GoBugsGo will meet in the virtual longhouse Maloca Mundial to exchange ideas.
More information can be found here.


Open Art Final event

  • Location: Prospekthof der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien
  • Date: 30.05.2023, 18:00 – 21:00

The Open Innovation in Science Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft and the Knowledge Transfer Center of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna cordially invite you to the closing event of the long-standing cooperation OPEN ARTS.

More information can be found here. Click here for registration and program.


GAIA annual conference: transformation of universities and the role of transformative research

  • Location: Innsbruck
  • Date: 21.04.2023

The UniNEtZ project will be presented at the GAIA annual conference in the afternoon, and the topic of transformation of universities, based on the aforementioned policy statement, will be explored in greater depth during a panel discussion.


Seminar: Trends on Reductions of Emissions Through Universities' Operations - HAW (virtuell)

  • Location: online
  • Date: 10.03.2023; 9 – 17

The Seminar is part of the "Universities and Climate Change Initiative", a worldwide effort led by the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany, to combine the knowledge and know-how of universities, in order to tackle the many challenges posed by climate change. The Seminar will serve the purpuse of discussing how the emissions related to universities' operations may be reduced, and may pave the way for other initiatives. More information may be found here.


Forum Focus Research

  • Location: Zentrum Fokus Forschung, Vienna
  • Date: 01.03.2023, 12:00 – 14:00

On March 1, the UniNEtZ-SP III at the Angewandte will host the 1st Forum Focus on Research. The aim is to look at the potentials and challenges of SDG-related and transformation-oriented research along concrete activities in the SDG groups of the UniNEtZ, to discuss them in perspective and thereby to work together on a research-driven mission for the UniNEtZ. Registration is requested (Jens Badura - jens.badura(a)


Gastvortrag von Prof. Andrew Townsend

  • Vortragende: Andrew Townsend
  • Location: Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt or via Zoom
  • Date: 24.01.2023, 18:00

In this lecture Professor Andrew Townsend will make an argument for the need for people, organisations and sectors of society to work in partnership to address the climate crisis.Registration and further information at


Theory and Practice of Social Tipping Interventions

  • Presenting: Harald Lesch, Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann and Martin Herrmann
  • Location: Munich and via Livestream
  • Date: 23.01.2023, 18:00 – 19:30 Uhr

Is it possible that a critical mass of people could turn the tide of the climate crisis, even if it is not the majority? The concept of "social tipping interventions" is playing an increasingly important role in the climate science and movement, giving many people confidence that they can make a relevant contribution despite escalating global crises. More information and registration here.


Was für ein Wissen ist Zukunftswissen? Konturen einer universitären Zukunftsforschung

  • Vortragende: Christian Dayé
  • Ort: TU Graz
  • Datum: 14.12.2022, 18:00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Green Skills - Embedding innovative teaching formats in higher education

  • Location: Online
  • Date: 13.12.2022, 16:00 – 18:00

The RCE (Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development) at Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Erasmus+ Project “Green Skills for Cities” invite you to an online exchange on best practice case studies and teaching formats. More information and registration can be found here.


Vulnerable Gruppen sichtbar machen – Chancengerechtigkeit nachhaltig gedacht

  • Vortragende: Johanna Muckenhuber und Anna Riegler
  • Ort: FH Joanneum
  • Zeit: 07.12.2022, 18:00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Klimawandelbildung – Kooperation zwischen Schulen, Klima- und Bildungswissenschaft am Beispiel des Projektes 'makingAchange

  • Vortragende: Thomas Schinko und Matthias Kowasch
  • Ort: PH Steiermark
  • Zeit: 30.11.2022, 18:00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Transformation des Energiesystems im Lichte des Klimawandels

  • Vortragende: Thomas Kienberger und Markus Lehner
  • Ort: Montanuniversität Leoben
  • Datum: 23.11.2022, 18:00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Pictures of the Future – Innovationen für die Gesellschaft

  • Vortragender: Michael Terler
  • Ort: FH Campus 02
  • Datum: 16.11.2022, 18:00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Soziale Kipppunkte in der Transition zur Klimaneutralität

  • Vortragende: Ilona M. Otto
  • Ort: Universität Graz
  • Datum: 09.11.2022, 18:00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Corona-Krise: Ein Nährboden für Wissenschaftsskepsis – was tun?

  • Vortragender: Hellmut Samonigg
  • Ort: Med Uni Graz
  • Datum: 19.10.2022, 18.00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Wie klingt Zukunft? Über Verantwortung und Response-Ability von Künstler*innen in einer komplexen Zukunft

  • Vortragende: Martina Fladerer, Reinhart von Gutzeit und Constanze Wimmer
  • Ort: Kunstuniversität Graz
  • Datum: 12.10.2022, 18:00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


SDG mid-term - a livable world for all by 2030?

  • Location: University of Life Sciences, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus
  • Datum: 11. October 2022, 13 – 18

Are we on the right track in Austria? How successful are we on our way? What steps do we need to take to implement these goals?

In the event "SDG Halftime" we want to discuss these questions together with you from an Austrian perspective. Th
Registration please per Mail to (Subject "SDGs")
More Information may be found here.


Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation

  • Date: 4. – 6. October 2022
  • Location: Hannover

The Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation is the largest specialist conference for science communication in the German-speaking world. The conference is organized annually by Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD), the joint organization of German science for science communication. The Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation 2022 is planned as a face-to-face conference in Hannover from October 4 to 6.

More information here.


Td Summer School: Transdisciplinary Research at the Science · Society Interface

  • Location: Wien
  • Date: 4. – 9. Septembre 2022

We are pleased to announce that the Td Summer School: Transdisciplinary Research at the Science · Society Interface will be conducted between September 4-9, 2022 in Vienna, Austria. It is designed to prepare researchers and practitioners for joint research and action to tackle societal problems. The Td Summer School 2022 will be convened by the Responsive Research Collective,
UniNEtZ Austria and the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The application deadline is 24. June 2022.

Further Informationen:


European Missions - National Implementation

  • Location: Online
  • Date: 2. June 2022, 10:00–12:00

The implementation of the European missions is picking up speed! The event informs about the status of the national recommendations for action for the implementation of the 5 EU missions (Soil, Waters, Climate, Cities, Cancer) in Austria.

Agenda and registration can be found here:


Online Event on Climate Anxiety & Climate Resilience

  • Speaker: Anna Pribil
  • Location: Online
  • Date: 1. June 2022, 16:00–17:00

Forum Umweltbildung invites Anna Pribil, psychologist, eco-consultant and member of Psychologists for Future. In her lecture "From Climate Anxiety to Climate Resilience" she will tell what psychology and the climate crisis have to do with each other, how climate emotions or climate anxiety arise and with the help of which strategies we can build climate resilience.

Registration at


22. Austrian Climate Day

  • Location: Vienna
  • Date: 20.–22. April 2022

The 22nd Climate Day will take place under the motto "Pushing boundaries: science, art, climate" from April 20 to 22, 2022 in Vienna. This time, the Climate Day will be conceived and held in cooperation with the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology.

More information may be found here.


Handover of the UniNEtZ options report

  • Date: 1. March 2022

On March 1, Hans Stötter, Reinhold Lang, Helga Kromp-Kolb and Franziska Allerberger handed over the approximately 150 options for action that had been developed over the past 3 years to Vice Chancelor Werner Kogler and Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler and thus to the federal government.


Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Schulen und Hochschulen: Initiativen und Reflexionen

  • Vortragende: Franz Rauch
  • Ort: PPH Augustinum
  • Datum: 18.01.2022, 18:00 – 20:00

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Ringvorlesung der neuen steirischen Hochschulen "ZUKUNFT - Der Beitrag der Hochschulen zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Krisen". Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Development University Weeks Linz 2021

  • Location: Linz
  • Date: 8–30 November 2021

Development University Weeks will take place in Linz from 8-30 November 2021.

A wide range of events on SDG topics will take place under the title "Development where to? The series of events offers panel discussions, renowned speakers, workshops, film screenings and much more. All events are open to the public and free of charge.
More information may be found here.


Call for abstracts: Climate Day 2022

  • Submission deadline: 4th November 2021

The 22nd Climate Day will take place under the motto "Pushing boundaries: science, art, climate" from 20 to 22 April 2022 in Vienna. This time, the Climate Day will be conceived and organised in cooperation with the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology.

There are the following types of submission:

  • Talks and poster contributions for the general scientific sessions incl. artistic research projects
  • Art, design and architecture projects
  • Poster contributions to the ACRP Quality Assurance for 2022 in the presence of the ACRP Steering Committee
  • CCCA Young Investigator Award 2022

A collection of answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.


Staging climate change

  • Moderation: Sybille Chiari
  • Panel guests: Werner Boote, Natalie Driemeyer, Martina Fröschl, Marlies Wirth
  • Location: Museum of Applied Arts (Lecture Hall), Stubenring 5, 1010 Vienna
  • Date: September 30th 2021, 18:00-21:00

Together with pioneers of (climate) art and culture, scientists and the audience, we want to discuss the role of the art and culture sector in climate communication.

Further information can be found here (.pdf)

Online Workshop Transdisciplinary Education

  • Date: September 27th 2021, 15:00–18:00
  • Location: Online

In the spirit of living transdisciplinarity, the online workshop from transdisciplinary research to transdisciplinary education at the 1st Global Transdisciplinary Conference at Danube University Krems will bring together students, teachers, scientists as well as responsible persons and politicians in the field of education to discuss opportunities and challenges of transdisciplinary cooperation in school and university education.

If you are interested, please contact the AG Education and Communication for Sustainable Development (Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck):

More information can be found here (.pdf).


Global Conference on the Human Right to Quality Education

  • Location: Vienna (Uni Wien)
  • Date: September 21st – 23rd 2021

Discuss with experts on issues of education for sustainable development, academic freedom and civic space, and access to education for migrants. Be there to become a part of an ambitious agenda that will turn these commitments into action!

More information (.pdf)


Action for Sustainable Future

  • Deadline for submission of ideas: 30.06.2021
  • Deadline for submission of project proposals: 30.09.2021

We would like to draw your attention to a call for projects within the Open Innovation in Science Impact Labs. The "Action for Sustainable Future (ASF) hub", a cooperation of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society with the University of Applied Arts Vienna, is looking for key projects within the framework of this call for proposals, which are oriented towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN and develop practical solutions with high social relevance and impact. In these projects, citizens* should be actively involved in the project design, combining both artistic and scientific strategies and findings. In order to allow citizens* with little project experience to participate in the call program, the submission process for projects will take place in two phases. Until June 30, 2021, ideas from different social fields can be submitted. Applicants will receive support for project submission and implementation from the ASF hub. Complete project proposals can be submitted until 30.09.2021.

More information can be found here (.pdf).


Focus Climate 2021 - Partizipativer Workshop

  • Lecturer: Mike Schäfer (Universität Zürich), Reto Dettli (econcept AG), Christian Zeyer (Swisscleantech), Stéphanie Moser (Universität Bern), Mischa Croci-Maspoli (Meteoschweiz), Peter Cuony (groupe e SA)
  • Date: June 18th 2021,13:30–19:00

On Friday, June 18, 2021, the foundations Science et Cité and TA-SWISS will conduct the participatory workshop Focus Climate. With videos in advance, decentralized workshops and livestream will be possible to carry out. In the afternoon the participants can exchange ideas in various workshops in Bern. In the evening, a panel discussion between experts will take place. It will be broadcast via livestream and is thus accessible to a broad audience. The exact schedule will be communicated to the participants in June.

Registration for the workshops is now possible until June 6 and the number of participants is limited due to the protection concept.

More information here (.pdf).


  • Date: May 28th 2021, 09:00 - 13:00
  • Location: Online

The stakeholder workshop will take place on Friday 28.05.2021 between 09:00 and 13:00. Due to the COVID-19 situation, this workshop must be held virtually. We ask for timely registration, but at the latest by 14.05.2021.

Invitation (.pdf)


Österreichischer Klimatag

  • Date: April 12th and 13th 2021
  • Location: Online

The "Österreichische Klimatag" is a scientific conference that aims to provide an overview of current Austrian research activities in the fields of climate change, impacts, adaptation as well as mitigation. Furthermore, the "Österreichischer Klimatag" has become the central showcase of research activities financed by the Climate and Energy Fund. Furthermore, the "Österreichische Klimatag" serves the networking of natural science, socio-economic as well as humanities and cultural science disciplines and promotes the exchange between basic research, applied research and users. A special focus is therefore placed on the cooperation and dialogue with stakeholders from politics and administration as well as the networking with practitioners, research promoters and business operators. Further information here.


UniNEtZ-Optionenbericht: Im Zeichen von UniNEtZ II

  • Datum: 3. Dezemer 2021; 10:00-14:00 Uhr
  • Ort: online via Zoom

Nach der feierlichen Übergabe des Optionenberichts steht der 3. Dezember 2021 ganz im Zeichen von UniNEtZ II. Hier sollen gemeinsam Ideen oder auch erste Szenarien der transdiziplinären Zusammenarbeit ko-kreativ im Dialog zwischen beteiligten Universitäten und Akteur_innen aus der Gesellschaft entwickelt werden.