
Student teaching at Austrian universities


by: Milena Eberharter and Jens Weise; studentische-lehre@uninetz.at

Type: Reflexion

Year: 2024

SDGs: SDG 1-17

A field of work from the UniNEtZ focus area IV - Transformation in university teaching

Inspired by an experience report from the University of Klagenfurt, where student teaching had already been initiated, developed and tested by students, the idea from UniNEtZ Priority Area (SP) IV was brought to the University of Innsbruck and, together with the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching, the Sustainability Office Green Office Innsbruck and the Office for Bologna Process and Teaching Development, a mode for local implementation was developed. This step was successful and the first student courses could already take place from the summer semester 2024. We would like to provide insights into the implementation process at the University of Innsbruck and share our experiences so that student teaching can spread further.

Why student teaching?

Students are generally the youngest group of people at universities and therefore belong to the generation that will feel the effects of the global grand challenges, such as the climate crisis, the longest and most intensely. This concern gives rise to new, additional perspectives that need to be integrated into university teaching. In view of the major challenges of the 21st century, it is essential for young people in particular to counteract feelings of powerlessness, strengthen their ability to act by developing their skills and thus take on an active, formative role. This role should be promoted and made tangible as part of student teaching. We see great potential to promote intergenerational learning, dialog and participation and to create “spaces for free, creative and daring thinking” (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, 2024).

In addition, the format of student teaching suggests that new learning potentials are opened up and perspectives are gained. The intensive content-related and didactic treatment of the topics in the design phase of the course requires corresponding skills development and in-depth discussion. There is particular potential for students to identify with the course leaders. This specific learning and experiential space is intended to allow students to recognize creative possibilities and promote self-efficacy.

How can student teaching be implemented?

As part of the student teaching concept, students are given the opportunity to design their own teaching. With content and didactic support from university lecturers, students are encouraged to translate topics that move them into teaching content and concepts and to offer them themselves in the context of a course, taking into account appropriate quality criteria.

In student teaching, students come together in different roles and experience a new teaching/learning setting. This is intended to provide space for participation, changing roles and perspectives and empowerment. Students are encouraged to incorporate topics and perspectives that they may miss in the context of higher education and thus participate in shaping the future.

Implementation at the University of Innsbruck:

  • The elective subject catalog “Interdisciplinary and Generic Competencies” (IGK) is assigned to the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Students. In the implementation process of student teaching at the University of Innsbruck, the submission of student-led course concepts in the area of IGK was recommended and supported.
  • A jury decides on the applications received for the IGK. In addition to the suitability of the lecturers for the topic and the quality of the concept, new and exciting ideas are also given special consideration.
  • Students who wish to offer a course independently must have a higher educational qualification than the students who are to attend the course. For example: Courses can only be offered at Bachelor's level with a Bachelor's degree.
  • If this is not the case, but also to facilitate the organization and to better meet the quality requirements of the jury, it can make sense to form course management tandems of students and university lecturers or people with a higher degree.
  • The paid teaching assignment goes directly to students and is divided among the persons submitting the course.
  • The ECTS scope should fit as seamlessly as possible into the usual course of study, i.e. preferably 2.5 or 5 ECTS.
  • The minimum number of registrations must be met in order for the course to take place.
  • The ÖH offers the opportunity to apply for travel allowances for speakers.
  • In the summer semester 2024, for example, the student-led course “Exploring Economics: Thinking Economics Sustainably” was successfully held.Building on this, the regional network group “Rethinking Economics Innsbruck” was founded. In the winter semester 2024/25, the course will be offered again under the title “Exploring Economics: Insight into the diversity of economic theories”.


Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (2024): Leitbild. URL: https://www.uibk.ac.at/universitaet/profil/leitbild.html (Last request: 16. July 2024)


Milena Eberharter and Jens Weise, studentische-lehre@uninetz.at
Project UniNEtZ II | Priority Area IV | Transformation at Austrian universities