/SDG 13: Climate Action

Take urgent action to fight climate change and its impact

Icon SDG13


Ingeborg Schwarzl
Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA)
Tel: +43 1 47654 99122

Agenda 2030

All regions of the world and all areas of people's lives are affected by the impacts of climate change, albeit to different degrees, and on different time scales (APCC 2014). Climate change does not stop at national borders; negative climate impacts are distributed across the globe, regardless of the location of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Causes and consequences of our actions thus diverge in space and time, making countries with high GHG emissions per capita jointly responsible for negative impacts in other countries and current and future damages of warming. Austria is also one of these high-emitting countries and therefore not only has the obligation to implement effective climate protection and adaptation measures in its own territory, but also a global co-responsibility to work for comprehensive climate justice on the way to a climate-neutral society. This requires changes at all levels of social and individual decision-making and action. GHG emissions must be reduced to a level at which a disturbance of the climate system that is dangerous for humans is prevented and an adaptation of existing ecosystems to the changed conditions is still possible, thus avoiding a biodiversity crisis (UN, 2015). The measures taken to achieve this must simultaneously time take appropriate account of the social, societal and economic impacts. Thus, SDG 13 has direct interactions with almost all SDGs.

SDG 13 Targets:*

13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries

13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning

13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning

13.a Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to a goal of mobilizing jointly $100 billion annually by 2020 from all sources to address the needs of developing countries in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation and fully operationalize the Green Climate Fund through its capitalization as soon as possible

13.b Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in least developed countries and small island developing States, including focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities

*All targets will be scientifically screened by UniNEtZ and options for meeting this target by 2030 will be developed for this purpose.

The targets are worked on by the following partner (on behalf of the University of Innsbruck): Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA)

Situation in Austria

Consequences of climate change are increasingly visible in Austria, through changes in frequency/intensity of climate-related extreme events (heat waves, droughts, floods etc.) (Klimastatusbericht, 2020). Costs for climate change adaptation in Austria currently average at about € 1 billion per year, those for damage at about € 2 billion per year. While adaptation costs are expected to more than double by the middle of the century, damage costs are projected to increase by a factor of three to six (Steininger, 2020). Despite international and national commitments to reduce GHGs, Austrias emissions have remained at a high level since 1990 and have even increased again in recent years (Umweltbundesamt, 2020). However, traditional accounting of GHG emissions only captures those caused by companies or households domestically and not those caused by the consumption of imported products in countries/regions of origin. The current national accounting does also not include data related to landuse (changes). If consumption based GHG emissions were included, Austria's GHG balance would increase by over 50% (Steininger et al. 2018). This clearly shows that not only do the causes and consequences of climate change diverge in time and space, but there is also a globalized chain of causation. This is one of the reasons for the balance between countries of the Global North and South called for in the 2030 Agenda.

Option list

(based on the options report to be published)

The options elaborated by the SDG groups are to serve as a means of communicating to the federal government which concrete options can be set by Austria in order to implement the 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The options report will be published on 02.12.2021.

  • Option 13.1: Eco-social CO2 tax reform
  • Option 13.2: Evaluation and expansion of existing heat protection plans
  • Option 13.3: Long-term assurance of water supply in settlement greening measures to maintain the cooling function, especially during hot and dry periods
  • Option 13.4 Highly efficient energy services contributing to climate protection
    as contribution to climate protection
  • Option 13.5: Enabling climate lawsuits (climate liability law)
  • Option 13.6: Correct and committed implementation of new EU energy and climate-related legislation
  • Option 13.7: Monitoring and effectiveness analysis of (Austrian contributions to) international climate finance
  • Option 13.8: Digitalisation promoting climate protection
  • Option 13.9: Bioeconomy contributing to climate protection
  • Option 13.10: spatial planning supporting climate protection
  • Option 13.11: Integrated nature-based solutions: carbon storage in ecosystems and products


APCC (2014): Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14). Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC), Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Österreich, 1096 Seiten.

Klimastatusbericht: Stangl, M., Formayer, H., Hofstätter, M., Orlik, A., Andre, K., Hiebl, J. et al. (2020). Klimastatusbericht 2019. Wien

Our World in Data (2020): Austria: Per capita: how much CO2 does the average person emit? Abgerufen von: https://ourworldindata.org/co2/country/austria?country=~AUT [10.12.2020, 20:00]

Steininger K., Bednar-Friedl B., Knittel N., Kirchengast G., Nabernegg S., Williges K., Mestel R., Hutter H.-P., Kenner L. (2020): Klimapolitik: Innovationschance Coronakrise und die Kosten des NichtHandelns. https://www.klimafonds.gv.at/w...

Steininger, Karl W., et al. "Austria’s consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions: Identifying sectoral sources and destinations." Global environmental change 48 (2018): 226-242.

Umweltbundesamt (2020): Klimaschutzbericht 2020. Wien. Abgerufen von: https://www.umweltbundesamt.at/studien-reports/publikationsdetail?pub_id=2340&cHash=04535f1c207c6ac8814ee0edb3809750 [15.10.2020, 17:00]

United Nations (2015): Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Abgerufen von: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030%20Agenda%20for%20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf [07.12.2020, 12:00]



Symposium on climate protection participation

  • Location: Steiermarkhof Graz
  • Date: 07.10.2024

Climate protection succeeds when as many people as possible get involved.The 2nd "Ich tu's" symposium will therefore address important issues relating to greater public participation in climate protection in the form of specialist presentations and workshops. Commitment and the desire for co-determination can be encouraged. However, it is sometimes difficult to get people to participate in climate protection measures. We will therefore be asking questions such as: How do participation processes succeed? What framework conditions are necessary? Which methods are helpful? How can resistance be avoided and the ability to act be strengthened? The invitation can be found here. The registration form can be found here.


SDGVisionPath - Exploring and shaping paths to a sustainable future

  • Location: BOKU, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus, Seminar room ILWA-EG2
  • Date: 06.06.2024, 13:30 – 17:30
The ACRP project SDGVisionPath, which was created in the course of UniNEtZ I cooperations, cordially invites all interested parties to the last stakeholder workshop to discuss, put together and recommend a package of measures for the achievement of SDG 1 & 10, SDG 8 and SDG 13 and beyond. More information can be found here. Please register at kontakt@visionpath.at by May 28.


Caring for change - connections between gender & climate

  • Location: Zoom
  • Date: 23.04.2024, 17:30 – 19:00

Climate change is considered the challenge of our time. Solutions are often characterized by a scientific-technical approach, but it is about more than that: global and local social inequalities mean that people are affected differently by the consequences of climate change. The interactive lecture shows how gender and climate are connected. Because without gender equality, there can be no climate-friendly society and vice versa. You can find more information here.


BNE Online Academy on Climate Protection and Circular Economy

  • Location: Online
  • Date: 17.11.2023

Under the motto "Re:create our future - Education for a climate-friendly society", the BNE Online Academy 2023 will provide creative impulses on how the future can be rethought and shaped through education. Due to limited places, registration is requested at event.umweltbildung.at.


CCCA writing workshop

  • Location: Innsbruck
  • Date: 26. – 27.09.2023

The Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) invites to the CCCA writing workshop for climate researchers! The workshop "From Papers to the Press" on dealing with journalists and the media will take place with the editorial office of DOSSIER. 20 free places will be offered! Please register until August 20 to philipp.wilfinger@ccca.ac.at.


Health, Tourism and Climate

  • Location: Bad Gleichenberg
  • Date: 10. – 13.10.2023

The conference brings together some of the TOP researchers:in the field of climate change and tourism, such as Daniel Scott, Susanne Becken and Paul Peeters, but also in the field of climate, health and tourism. More information may be found here.
